
The Subject Matter of This Agreement Is

When it comes to legal documents, it`s essential to use precise and exact language to ensure that both parties understand and agree to the terms outlined in the agreement. One phrase that often appears in these documents is “the subject matter of this agreement is.” In this article, we`ll explore what this phrase means and why it`s important in legal documents.

What does “the subject matter of this agreement is” mean?

In legal documents, the phrase “the subject matter of this agreement is” is typically used to introduce the main purpose or focus of the document. It clarifies what the agreement is about and what it intends to accomplish. The subject matter might include the goods or services being provided, the terms of payment, deadlines for deliverables, or other important details that both parties need to understand.

Why is “the subject matter of this agreement is” important?

Using the phrase “the subject matter of this agreement is” is critical because it helps to ensure that both parties are on the same page from the outset. It ensures that the agreement`s purpose is explicit and prevents any confusion or ambiguity about what the agreement covers.

For example, consider a contract between a company and a freelance graphic designer. The subject matter of the agreement might be the creation of a new logo for the company, the cost of the project, and the deadline for delivering the final product. By clearly defining these details upfront, both parties can move forward confidently, knowing exactly what`s expected of them.

In addition to clarifying the purpose of the agreement, using the phrase “the subject matter of this agreement is” can also have legal implications. If a dispute arises, a court may look to the specific language of the agreement to determine its scope and purpose. If the subject matter is not clear, it can be challenging to determine what was intended by the agreement, potentially leading to legal problems.


Legal documents can be complex and confusing, so using precise language is essential to make sure both parties understand the agreement`s purpose. The phrase “the subject matter of this agreement is” highlights the critical details of the agreement, making it clear what the document intends to accomplish. By using this phrase, both parties can avoid confusion and legal issues, ensuring that the agreement is successful.

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